5 Essential Checks to Perform When Buying a Used Car

15/02/2023 17:09, by CarPeeps HQ

Buying a used car can be a daunting task, particularly when you consider the potential risks involved. There are numerous factors to consider, such as the car's condition, reliability, and cost, which can make the process quite stressful. Therefore, knowing how to properly inspect a used car before making a purchase is crucial. In this article, we will discuss the five essential checks you should perform when buying a used car.

  1. Visual Inspection

A quick visual check is the first step in assessing the car's condition. Start by inspecting the body panels, wheels, and tires. Look for any dents, scratches, or misaligned panels, which could indicate previous damage. Examine the lenses for any signs of water, mist, or rust, especially if you are looking at a Golf GTI. Additionally, inspect the brake discs and pads for excessive wear or lip formation.

  1. Check for Fault Codes

The next step is to check for fault codes using an OBD2 device. This device can detect any check engine lights and recognize intermittent issues that may not throw a permanent warning light. You can also use this device to check the service timeline and see if the engine oil has been changed.

  1. Inspect Fluid Levels

Inspecting the fluid levels is a crucial step in evaluating the car's engine. Check the oil levels and ensure there is no gunk on the oil cap, indicating a head gasket problem. Inspect the coolant and brake fluid, and make sure there is no white residue on the lid, indicating a head gasket issue.

  1. Check the Belts and Chassis Legs

Check the belts and chassis legs for any deformities, rust, or oil leaks. Inspect the condition of the belts, especially the cam belt, and check for any slack. If the cam belt has not been changed, consider doing so before driving the car.

  1. Test Drive the Car

Finally, take the car for a test drive to get a feel for its overall performance. Listen for any unusual knocks or rattles from the engine and feel the steering, gears, and brakes. Check the car's temperature and heating, and assess the car's response to various road conditions.

In conclusion, buying a used car can be a challenging task, but by following these five essential checks, you can ensure you are making an informed decision. Visual inspections, fault code checks, fluid level inspections, belt and chassis leg inspections, and test drives can all provide valuable insights into the car's condition. By performing these checks, you can ensure that you are buying a reliable and trustworthy used car.